Satono Aladdin(JPN)

5 generation pedigree
Feb.16 2011  b.  horse  
By Deep Impact(JPN) Storm Cat(USA) Fappiano(USA)
Out of Magic Storm(USA) Foppy Dancer(USA) Water Dance(USA)
Breeder Northern Farm
Closed Record exported Jul.16 2024
Stud Book Reference           

History of Movement as Breeding Stock

Date Details
Jul.27 2018
sent to NZ
Jan.18 2019
returned from NZ
Jul.26 2019
sent to NZ
Jan.24 2020
returned from NZ
Aug.10 2021
sent to NZ
Dec. 7 2021
returned from NZ
Aug. 9 2022
sent to NZ
Dec.14 2022
returned from NZ
Jul.15 2023
sent to NZ
Dec.26 2023
back to stud
Jul.16 2024
sent to NZ