Grass Wonder(USA)

5 generation pedigree
Feb.18 1995  ch.  horse  F12-C
By Silver Hawk(USA) Danzig(USA) His Majesty(USA)
Out of Ameriflora(USA) Graceful Touch(USA) Pi Phi Gal(USA)
Breeder Phillips Racing Partnership & John Phillips
Closed Record put out of stud in Mar.18 2020
Stud Book Reference Am.SB 34

History of Movement as Breeding Stock

Date Details
Aug.11 2003
sent to AUS
Jan.29 2004
returned from AUS
Aug.10 2004
sent to AUS
Jan.19 2005
returned from AUS
Aug.11 2005
sent to AUS
Jan.17 2006
returned from AUS
Aug.14 2006
sent to AUS
Jan.18 2007
returned from AUS