Way of Light(USA)

5 generation pedigree
Mar. 8 1996  dk.b.  horse  F2-D
By Woodman(USA) Nijinsky(CAN) Halo(USA)
Out of Salchow(USA) Coup de Folie(USA) Raise the Standard(CAN)
Breeder Flaxman Holdings Ltd.
Closed Record exported Aug.11 2005
Stud Book Reference Am.SB 35

History of Movement as Breeding Stock

Date Details
Aug.11 2001
sent to AUS
Jan.21 2002
returned from AUS
Aug.12 2002
sent to AUS
Jan.22 2003
returned from AUS
Aug.11 2003
sent to AUS
Jan.29 2004
returned from AUS
Aug.10 2004
sent to AUS
Jan.19 2005
returned from AUS
Aug.11 2005
sent to AUS